Sunday, August 7, 2011

Packing??? What is this madness?

Well, 'tis the day before my last day in die vereinichten staaten von Amerika, and one would assume that I would be madly rushing about in a desperate scramble to assemble the necessary equipment for a year abroad.  Well, I spent an hour or so last night, and got things pretty well squared away, which left today open for splitting wood (oh joy!).  That done, and now that I've put some pink duct tape on my bags for easy recognition...... i don't exactly know what to do with myself, which is basically the reason i'm writing this blog.  I can't believe that i leave the day after tomorrow!!!! Thank goodness that I have my visa and all of the necessary papers.  Some poor kids going to Switzerland have had theirs delayed by 7 weeks!!  That mean's that they'll miss not only the language camp, but also the beginning of school.  Happily, I'm not in that group.

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